to Elena Gurina

my good angel!

you sleep, dear

and I think of you

beautiful doll I love

a fraternal affection indeed a love

it binds me to you Russian doll

my soul

but one day I'm gonna kiss you, I'm sure

i'll get your blond hair

and you're gonna smile at me

my soul of heaven

you sleep and I think you

Quella notte


Colsi il tuo turbamento

E lo feci mio

In quella notte senza pareti e senza tempo

Ne rimasi anch'io colpito

E mi innammorai perdutamente di quella sensazione

Da allora non potró scordare la tua anima

That night

I catch your turmoil

And I did it mine

On that night without walls and timeless

I was also struck by that

And I fell pervertently in love with that feeling

Since then I can't forget your soul

The beautiful white lady

 The beautiful white lady

my wonderful dream

my life

you brought love

the sweetness

the balance